Team in Spotlight

I joined Velotio as a rookie Software Engineer and evolved into the role of a Lead Engineer gaining hands-on experience by working on some complicated and challenging projects along the way.

Prafull Ladha

Lead Engineer

1. How long have you been working at Velotio? 

I have been working with Velotio for 3.5 years, from the time when the entire company used to fit into one conference room. Those were the good old days when social distancing was not a thing.

2. How has your career grown since starting at the company? 

I joined Velotio as a rookie software engineer and evolved into the role of a Lead Engineer gaining hands-on experience by working on some complicated and challenging projects along the way. I got several opportunities to work, experiment, and contribute to the latest technologies. Also, the leadership team's support and trust has always encouraged me to go the extra mile.

3. What is your favorite thing about working at Velotio? 

My favorite thing about Velotio is working with outstanding talent. Here, you get to learn a lot from everyone. The fun at Velotio is also unlimited — we have enjoyed lots of parties and outings together. The people here are amazing, fun-loving, and passionate about everything they do.

4. What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I generally like to go out with friends, work out, or catch up on web series.

5. What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know? 

I am a poetry and history buff. I have memorized several poems and gone to a great extents to get some of the rarest poetry books.

6. Where’s your favorite place in the world? 

Too difficult to answer with so many places yet to explore.

7. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

I want to meet The Great Ashoka — after the Kalinga war.

8. Three words to best describe you: 

Passionate. Extrovert. Friendly.

9. What tv show are you binge-watching right now? 

Home before dark

10. If you could have any superpower what would it be? 

I want an Elder wand from Harry Potter.

11. What is one food that you cannot resist? 

Homemade Dal Chawal.

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